New Life Steel Structures

Cable Gallery

Cable Gallery

Cable Galleries have many designs and sizes. Cable tray is rigid structural system which is fabricated tray which supports number of electrical cables. These can be electrical power cables, electrical distribution cables, instrumentation cables, and/or communication cables. Cable tray us designed in a way to place conduit pipe that it is place in the length of cable tray. Cable tray is usually mounted above the normal operation area which is typically in roof joist and beams. Cable trays are made of different materials: aluminum, pre-galvanized steel, hot dipped galvanized steel and stainless steel. The zinc coating of pre galvanized steel is applied at still before the fabrication work is done for trays. Steel provides greater strength than aluminum with reasonably good corrosion resistance.

Some surfaces are exposed during the fabrication process. When greater corrosion resistance is needed, hot-dipped galvanized steel is used. With this material, the zinc coating is applied after the cable tray is fabricated. In this way, all surfaces of the finished cable tray are protected.


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